She Ate This Pineapple Diet For a Week! What Happened To Her Body Will Definitely Surprise You!

She Ate This Pineapple Diet For a Week! What Happened To Her Body Will Definitely Surprise You!

This pineapple diet will provide numerous nutrients needed by your body, and will help you lose excess weight. If followed for a week, it will help you lose few pounds.

This fruit is extremely effective against bloating, cellulite and water retention. The fresh pineapple has a yellowish-orange crust and has no spots, with green leaves and hard structure.

Pineapple includes an enzyme, bromelain, which prevents inflammation and helps digestion. Moreover, it also accelerates the metabolism.

She Ate This Pineapple Diet For a Week! What Happened To Her Body Will Definitely Surprise You!

This fruit is a hypo-caloric one and 100 grams have only 40 calories. Also, make sure you consume it ripe and fresh, and if you keep it in the fridge, you should turn it upside down, in order to make the sugar melt in the fruit.

Eating it fresh is of great benefit as you will consume high amounts of vitamin C, which is vital for the collagen formation that provides elasticity and health of the skin.

During this diet, you should avoid old cheese, alcohol, processed meat products, energetic drinks, carbohydrates. Also, you must drink at least 2 cups of tea on a daily basis, and at least 2 liters of water.

It is also advised to limit the consumption of oil to 2 tablespoons, as well as the use of spices, vinegar, and salt. You should benefit a lot from regular physical activity as well.

This popular diet has been followed by Angelina Hanson a woman from England who after following this diet for a week, noticed great results.

We made a daily program that has which can serve you as an example:

- Breakfast: pineapple juice + 1 fruit + 1 cup of tea + banana or oatmeal with low fat yogurt

- Snack: natural pineapple juice + green salad

- Lunch: 4 pineapple slices + 1 slice of rye bread + baked fish or baked chicken meat + green salad

- Snack: pineapple juice + 1 apple

- Dinner: 2 pineapple slices + 1 cup of tea against bloating+50 grams of boiled rice

Don’t forget to drink at least 2 liters of water every day.

The aim of this diet is to detoxify the body, and thus, you will lose weight.

Nevertheless, note that you should incorporate pineapples into your regular diet as apart from their numerous nutrients they provide, they can help you lose weight, as it will help you avoid sweet cravings and provides a feeling of fullness.
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Natural Drinks to Reduce Belly Bloat

Natural Drinks to Reduce Belly Bloat

Do you often feel bloat? Although it is not a serious health problem, they make you feel uncomfortable especially when you’re going for a date or a meeting.

Belly bloat occurs due to the buildup of gas in the small intestine that in turn makes the abdomen feels full and tight. However, there are many home remedies to reduce bloating but natural drinks will give even faster relief from bloating.

Natural Drinks to Reduce Belly Bloat

Pomegranate with Tabasco and Ginger Ale

Pomegranate has potassium and magnesium that relieves you from belly bloat by retaining water and trapped gas from your body. Tabasco contains capsaicin that increases your urine flow and clears excess salt, which causes bloating. Ginger ale (non-alcoholic) helps for proper digestion and relieves you from trapped gas in your body.

  • Mix 1/8 teaspoon of Tabasco sauce, lime juice extracted from 1 lime, 1/2 cup of ginger ale and 1 cup of pomegranate juice (prefer low sugar).
  • Mix all these ingredients and pour it in a glass.
  • Sip it to get relief from bloating and repeat the intake for another 2 times to get faster relief from bloating.
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Natural Drinks to Reduce Belly Bloat

Natural Drinks to Reduce Belly Bloat

Do you often feel bloat? Although it is not a serious health problem, they make you feel uncomfortable especially when you’re going for a date or a meeting.

Belly bloat occurs due to the buildup of gas in the small intestine that in turn makes the abdomen feels full and tight. However, there are many home remedies to reduce bloating but natural drinks will give even faster relief from bloating.

Natural Drinks to Reduce Belly Bloat

Cucumber with Celery and Apples

Celery and cucumber have high water content that flushes out the salt, regulates your bowels and relieves you from intestinal gas. Apple aids for proper digestion and lemon adds flavor along with enhancing proper bowel movement.
  • Add 1 cucumber (sliced), 2 celery stalks (chopped), 1 lemon (peeled and chopped) and 2 apples (sliced) in a blender.
  • Blend it in a juicer and pour the juice into a glass.
  • Drink it immediately and repeat it as needed, if you didn’t get relief in few hours.

  • Or blend 1 raw garlic clove, 1 sprig of celery, handful of alfalfa and 1 cup of fresh carrot juice in a blender and drink it to get relief from the bloating problem.
  • Also, prepare juices with celery, lemon, cucumber or watermelon which acts as anti-bloat beverages.
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Natural Drinks to Reduce Belly Bloat

Natural Drinks to Reduce Belly Bloat

Do you often feel bloat? Although it is not a serious health problem, they make you feel uncomfortable especially when you’re going for a date or a meeting.

Belly bloat occurs due to the buildup of gas in the small intestine that in turn makes the abdomen feels full and tight. However, there are many home remedies to reduce bloating but natural drinks will give even faster relief from bloating.

Natural Drinks to Reduce Belly Bloat

Lemon Peppermint Ice Cubes

Peppermint has menthol that helps to stimulate proper digestion and relieves spasms in muscle tissues which in turn release the buildup of gas. Lemon juice is acidic in nature that helps to break down the food and eases proper digestion.

This combination reduces bloating that caused due to constipation, trapped air, and indigestion
  • Squeeze few lemons to extract 2 – 3 cups of fresh lemon juice.
  • Put 15 chopped peppermint leaves in the lemon juice and stir well.
  • Place this mix into your ice cube tray and freeze it for few minutes.
  • After that, add 3 – 4 lemon – mint ice cubes in 1 glass of water and drink it.
  • Regular intake of this drink for at least 3 times a day (either normally or with meals) will reduce your belly bloat.

Note: Or simply add fresh lemon juice and freshly chopped mint leaves in 1 glass of water. Stir well and drink it to get relief from abdomen bloating.
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Eat These Fat-Burning Coconut Cookies For Breakfast to Boost Your Metabolism

Eat These Fat-Burning Coconut Cookies For Breakfast to Boost Your Metabolism

There’re a few reservations of this recipe, and each of them is super tasty.

First, let’s go through the ingredients:
  • 1.5 cups coconut flakes
  • ¼ cup sunflower seeds
  • ½ cup protein-powder (make sure it’s high-quality)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 1/8 cup of water
Eat These Fat-Burning Coconut Cookies For Breakfast to Boost Your Metabolism

  • Preheat your oven to 300 °F Chop up the seeds. You can always use nuts instead of sunflower seeds.
  • Combine the ingredients in a bowl, and work them well. If your mixture is too crumbly, add another tablespoon of cold-pressed coconut oil and water. Use a measuring cup to get cookies with equal size.
  • Line them on a cookie tray, and flatten carefully. You should get about 18 cookies. Bake your cookies for 15 minutes.
Extra tips:
  • Use 2 cups of coconut shreds instead of sunflower seeds. As mentioned before, you can use nuts and seeds of your choice.
  • Add flavored protein for a different flavor.
  • Make coconut whipped cream, and munch on your delicious homemade coconut cookie sandwich.
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Drink This Mixture: Cleanse Your Colon And Speed Up The Fat-Burning Process

Drink This Mixture: Cleanse Your Colon And Speed Up The Fat-Burning Process

Especially before and during the summer, we are all concerned by the extra body weight we have deposited during the winter, and you surely already know that it is not even a bit easy to burn the fat on the thighs and stomach.

Yet, the night, during our sleep, is the best time to get rid of the excess weight, but you need to stimulate the burning of fat, that it, to help digestion and accelerate the metabolism.

The following recipe will help you start the fat-burning process. You should not eat a few hours before going to sleep, and drink the following mixture 1 hour before going to sleep.

Drink This Mixture: Cleanse Your Colon And Speed Up The Fat-Burning Process

This is how to prepare it:

  • Parsley
  • Lemon
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Cinnamon
  • A teaspoon of honey or ginger
Method of preparation:

You should simply mix all the ingredients listed above, and you will prepare this amazing drink.


Drink it instead of your dinner, an hour before bedtime, and only in a couple of weeks, you will achieve magnificent effects!
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48 Foods to Balance Your Hormones, Boost Your Metabolism, and Lose Weight

48 Foods to Balance Your Hormones, Boost Your Metabolism, and Lose Weight

I know I do, and eating certain nutrient dense foods will put anyone on this path. Whether we like it or not, hormones control our mood, digestion, energy, libido, metabolism, and how our skin looks.

If we don't eat foods with the nutrients we need, our body cannot produce hormones correctly or maintain hormonal balance because it doesn't have the building blocks to do so.

48 Foods to Balance Your Hormones, Boost Your Metabolism, and Lose Weight

How to eat for hormonal balance

Basing meals off clean protein, hormone-balancing healthy fats, antioxidant-rich vegetables, and healing herbs will help your body thrive. Choose one food from each category for an easy, hormone balancing, skin healing, meal.

1. Clean protein
  • Soaked or sprouted nuts
  • Beans
  • Seeds
  • Quinoa
  • Lentils
  • Organic pasture-raised/grass-fed chicken, turkey, beef, bison, elk, pasture-raised eggs
  • Wild caught fish
2. Hormone-balancing healthy fats

Coconut oil (and all coconut products for that matter). It contains lauric acid, which is incredibly healing to the skin and extremely beneficial for hormonal production. It also kills bad bacteria and viruses in the body, provides a quick source of energy, is easy to digest, and speeds up metabolism.

Avocados. They're rich in healthy fat that helps our body absorb and use nutrients They are also full of fiber, potassium, magnesium vitamin E, B-vitamins, and Folic acid - all essential for maintaining hormonal balance in the body.

Raw butter/ghee. They provide a rich source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K2. These nutrients are key building blocks for hormonal production. Butter provides great amounts of short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which support immune function, boost metabolism and have anti-microbial properties; meaning, they fight against bad bacteria and viruses in the body.

Egg yolks. They're rich in countless vitamins and minerals including: A, D, E, B2, B6, B9, iron, calcium, phosphorous, potassium and choline which all contribute to a healthy reproductive system, hormonal balance, and healthy skin. The choline and iodine in egg yolks are also crucial for making healthy thyroid hormones.

Nuts and seeds. Soaked nuts and seeds, olives and olive oil, fermented cod liver oil, hemp seed oil, flax-seed oil, and raw cultured dairy products.

3. Antioxidant-rich vegetables

Look for anything dark green: asparagus, broccoli, spinach, collard greens, cabbage, cucumbers, kale, cilantro, etc.

Opt for brightly colored veggies: green, red, yellow, and orange bell peppers, red cabbage, red/white onions, tomatoes, and carrots.

Don't overlook starchy vegetables: sweet potatoes, spaghetti squash, yucca, beets, artichokes, butternut squash, and turnips.

4. Healing spices & herbs
  • Cinnamon
  • Turmeric
  • Cayenne
  • Cumin
  • Garlic
  • Ginger

If your body has the nutrients it needs to be in hormonal balance, it will be. You'll experience glowing skin, stable moods, fertility, and consistent energy. Our bodies have an incredible ability to heal and be in balance, when given the nutrients they need to flourish.
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Lose Weight,Firm Your Breast And Rid Your Body Of Toxins With This Drink!

Lose Weight,Firm Your Breast And Rid Your Body Of Toxins With This Drink!

Carrying around excess weight is an unpleasant issue for anyone.

We all want to have a healthy and fit body. So, if you have gained some weight, you should act as fast as possible and get rid of it before it can accumulate on your body.

However, we all know that weight loss is not an easy task. Well, here is some good news: there is an extremely helpful ally in the fight against the extra pounds -- pineapple!

Lose Weight,Firm Your Breast And Rid Your Body Of Toxins With This Drink!

This fruit has been found to be effective in the fight against excess weight. Even though it has a sweet taste, it is low in calories and energy density. Moreover, pineapples are abundant in healthy nutrients, such as vitamin C, manganese, foliate, and copper.

Pineapples are also a rich source of the healthy plant compound bromelain. This compound promotes health, boosts the immune system, prevents cancer, accelerates wound healing, and helps digestion.

A glass of pineapple juice includes:
  • 25mg vitamin C- which is 25% RDA for men, and 30% RDA for women
  • 33mg calcium
  • 30mg magnesium
  • 130 calories
Pineapples are believed to be an antioxidant miracle. Antioxidants prevent aging, promote youth, and provide elasticity to the skin.

Thus, it is especially useful for women, as it can restore the firmness of the breasts and avoid sagging. Women are advised to replace the coffee or alcohol with pineapple juice because its regular use can provide amazing effects for their breasts.

The consumption of the fresh pineapple juice , will provide significant results in a very short time. Aside from its use for firming breasts, it can also give astonishing results in terms of the skin -- as it reduces wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Do not forget to eat a healthy and balanced diet as much as possible.

The consumption of pineapple juice can have miraculous effects, especially for women, as it can detoxify the body from the accumulated waste and toxins, it will promote weight loss, and will make your breasts firm!
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