2 Main Ways To Cure Cancer

The earlier cancer is detected and diagnosed, the greater chance the cancer can be cured or treated. Some types of cancer such as breast cancer, mouth cancer, skin cancer, rectal cancer, prostate cancer and testicular cancer could be detected by routine self examination or other screening test before the cancer spread further. However most cases of cancer were detected and diagnosed after the tumor has been developed.

If diagnosis was positive, means got cancer. Your cancer specialists will provide you with the options of cancer treatment. They will recommend the best treatment option based on the type of your cancer, how far it has spread, and other factors such as your age and health condition.

2 Main Ways To Cure Cancer

In general there are two ways to cure cancer: Traditional treatment and Modern treatment

The main principle of Traditional treatment is to improve the immunity system in the body to fight cancer cells, while modern medicine is to kill or destroy the cancer cells.

Each type of cancer treatment above has pros and cons. Now let looks at each type of treatment.

Modern Treatment

Including: Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, monoclonal antibody therapy, hormone therapy, etc. The main objective is to eradicate, destroy or alter the cancer cells.


Working principle of Chemotherapy is kill cancer cells, controlling the growth of cancer cells, and stop its growth. Chemotherapy is systematic, unlike radiation or surgery that is localize, hence chemotherapy can reach the cancer cells that may have spread to other parts of the body. The success rate of chemotherapy was also varies depends on the type of cancer.

The Side effects of chemotherapy is decreased the number of blood cells, infection, anemia, bleeding such as nosebleeds, hair loss, itching, vomiting, dehydration, low blood pressure, constipation, diarrhea, and nervous system disorders.


Cancer treatment with radiation is usually done before or after surgery to shrink the tumor. Radiation done in order to destroy the tissues that have been affected by cancer.

Side effects of Radiation are nausea and vomiting, decreased the number of white blood cells, infection, skin reactions such as sunburn, fatigue, pain in the mouth and throat, diarrhea and may lead to baldness.


Surgery is the oldest and most commonly used form of cancer treatment. Some type of cancer often can be cured only with surgery if done at an early stage.

NOTE: For some cases, the best cancer treatment is a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Surgery or radiation to treat cancer in limited area, whereas chemotherapy is aimed at removing cancer cells that are beyond the reach of surgery or radiation. Sometimes chemotherapy or radiation done before surgery to reduce tumor size or after surgery to destroy remaining cancer cells.

Traditional Treatment

Including: herbal treatment, acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, aromatherapy, music therapy, yoga, meditation, etc.

Cancer treatment with herbs is a treatment using a variety of extracts from plants, for example, extracts from rodent tuber (Typhonium Flagelliforme extract ) combined with other natural materials that are processed in modern technique, which can help tissue detoxification and stimulates the body immune system to work together to eradicate cancer cells.

Herbal Treatment is one of the alternative treatments that are many people use to treat cancer, because it proved effective, no side effects and relatively cheap.
Because cancer itself is a class of diseases, then it can be said that there is no single treatments solution for all type of cancer. The suggest is using combination of cancer treatment that adjust to the patient’s condition, type of cancer, and experienced stage.

The success rate of cancer treatment is highly depends on consistency and the spirit of patient.

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